Humanitas Prima -

Humanism first !

The first student-let NGO for sustainable development and Humanitarian Action

What we Stand for

Humanism First: Putting Humanity at the Heart of Action !

At the core of our philosophy lies a commitment to humanistic values—​principles that prioritize the dignity, well-being, and potential of every ​individual. This guiding ethos drives our work across three crucial dimensions: ​Humanitarian Assistance, Social Work, and Sustainable Development. We ​recognize that these areas are not isolated endeavors but deeply interconnected ​fields that together forge pathways to lasting social progress.

Indeed, our organization was founded by a group of passionate students who ​recognized the immense potential of youth as powerful catalysts for positive ​change. Yet, we also observed the barriers that often hinder meaningful youth ​engagement in areas like sustainable development, humanitarian action, and ​social work. Our vision is to dismantle these barriers, creating a dynamic ​intersection where the energy and creativity of young people can meet the ​pressing needs of our world.

Through our work, we aim to inspire and empower a new generation to lead ​with compassion, innovate for the common good, and drive forward the ​sustainable solutions that our global community urgently needs. Together, we ​can build a future where humanistic values are not just ideals but actionable ​realities.

The first student-let NGO for sustainable development and Humanitarian Action

“There can be no sustainable ​development without peace and no ​peace without sustainable ​development.”

~ Preamble of the the 2030 Agenda ​for Sustainable Development ~

Our Values

This quote from the Preamble of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development ​is memorable. Despite a century of international focus on humanitarian action ​and development, obstacles like war, famine, and lack of education persist. ​Although these issues have decreased compared to the last century, recent ​geopolitical instability has worsened conditions in some regions. Since 2019, the ​number of people affected by hunger globally has risen by over 122 million, ​reaching 735 million, with critical situations in Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, and ​South Sudan, according to UNICEF.

In this context, the founders our our NGO believe the academic community must ​move beyond traditional frameworks to undertake impactful projects. Our goal is ​to create humanitarian projects that address immediate human needs and work ​towards long-term development, helping communities achieve autonomy and ​strengthen resilience. We believe that collaboration between academia, civic ​engagement, and humanitarian efforts can bring sustainable peace. A solid ethical ​foundation is crucial for addressing the responsibilities that come with these ​projects. Therefore, several ethical principles must guide our engagement:

Support for Self-​Sufficiency

Needs-bassed ​support





We aim to build self-​sufficient & resilient ​communities capable ​of thriving ​independently:

  • Build Local ​Capacities
  • Promote ​Economic ​Independence
  • A​void New D​ependencies

We provide ​assistance only when ​it is requested by the ​local communities or ​affected persons

  • Respect Local ​Wishes
  • Avoid Premature ​Involvement
  • Prevent “White ​Saviorism”

We ensure that our ​actions maximize the ​positive impact on ​the communities we ​serve, which means:

  • Priority to local ​well-being​
  • Relevance of ​ assessments​
  • Rejection of​ Harmful Practices ​

We emphasize the ​importance of ​knowledge and skill ​in conducting out ​projects

  • Collaborate with ​experts
  • Incorporate local ​insights
  • Stay within ​our compete​n​c​e​

Our 2024-2025 Strategy for ​humanistic impact

4 Key Steps

We begin by defining our core values and ​establishing project goals that align with our ​mission. Next, we focus on recruiting and ​engaging students while gaining formal ​recognition from Parisian universities, ​solidifying our presence within the academic ​community. As we move forward, we launch ​fundraising campaigns, form institutional ​partnerships, and provide training for our ​members, with a particular emphasis on ​leveraging the holiday season to maximize ​support. Finally, we implement our projects, ​actively sharing progress and outcomes to ​demonstrate our impact and foster ongoing ​engagement. Our mission is to dismantle ​barriers that hinder youth from contributing ​meaningfully to global challenges, harnessing ​their creativity and energy to build ​sustainable, compassionate solutions.

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Step 1 Conception

Values, Project​s

Organisationa​l Structur​e

Step 2: University


Recruiting Students,

Getting recognized ​by the Universities in ​Paris

Step 3: Resources

Fundraising Campaign,

Institutional Partners, ​Trainings for our Members

Step 4:


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Launching the ​projects and sharing ​the progress

5 Key Projects

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Young Homeless


focusing on the education of ​homeless youth in France, ​with an emphasis on ​enhancing their social and ​cultural capital.

  1. Financial Support for ​Educational Resources: ​The initiative provides ​financial assistance for ​school supplies and ​regularly offers a ​comfortable and studious ​environment for the youth.
  2. Academic Support and ​Enrichment: It includes ​homework help, free ​private lessons, and ​educational outings to ​ensure that the youth ​receive comprehensive ​academic support.
  3. Network Development ​and Career Exploration: ​The initiative also focuses ​on developing strong ​networks and introducing ​older youth to various ​professions, helping them ​explore different career ​paths.

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Student For ​Integration

A student-led initiative in ​France providing ​comprehensive support to ​migrants and refugees ​through three main channels:

  1. Legal and Administrative ​Support: A specialized law ​clinic offers expert ​guidance on asylum and ​migration law, assisting ​with legal advice and ​navigating complex ​administrative procedures.
  2. Translation and ​Interpretation: A ​Language department ​provide essential ​translation services for ​documents and act as ​interpreters during ​appointments, ensuring ​clear communication.
  3. Cultural Exchange: The ​initiative organizes various ​activities that foster ​cultural understanding and ​help integrate migrants ​and refugees into the local ​community, promoting ​mutual respect and ​connection.

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For Foreign Develop.


A Coordination Hub that helps ​development initiatives in the ​Global South to find strategic ​partners in Europe across ​three key dimensions:

  1. Financial: The hub ​introduces new funding ​opportunities and ​collaborates with ​initiatives to craft ​compelling funding ​applications.
  2. Institutional: By building a ​network of institutions and ​NGOs, the hub connects ​initiatives with potential ​partners, fostering ​meaningful collaborations.
  3. Academic: The hub ​creates a win-win ​scenario where scientists ​gain valuable case studies ​and data, while initiatives ​benefit from cutting-edge ​expertise and research.

Network Structure


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InterNational ​Student Network

This network aims to ​strengthen collaboration ​between engaged students ​and civil society ​organizations:

  1. Collaboration among ​Students: Facilitate ​partnerships between ​students who share ​humanitarian and ​sustainable development ​goals.
  2. Understanding of local ​needs: Establish strong ​connections between ​students and associations ​to enhance coordination ​and effectiveness of ​actions.
  3. Implementation of a ​Study: Analyze the ​actions carried out during ​the year and identify ​necessary improvements ​to enhance the impact of ​future initiatives.

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4 seconds ​campaign

Every 4 seconds, a life is lost ​in humanitarian crises. The "4 ​Seconds" campaign aims to ​raise awareness and mobilize ​resources:

  1. Distribute surplus ​medical supplies and ​equipment to communities ​in dire need, by partnering ​with hospitals, distributors ​and manufacturers
  2. Creative ways to collect ​donations for ​humanitarian projects ​which will be send to the ​most important ​humanitarian organization
  3. Advocate for stronger ​humanitarian aid policies ​by organizing petitions, ​lobbying efforts, and ​public forums in Paris, ​using the “4-seconds” ​campaign

Our team

A committed ​and dedicated ​team




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Our Board

Yoo hyun



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Secrtary General

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Director of ​Communication & ​Marketing

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We are delighted to hear from you! Whether you have questions, ​want to collaborate, have suggestions, or want to learn more about ​our NGO, feel free to contact us at the following email address:

Follow us: Stay connected with us on social media for updates and ​information about our projects and initiatives.

Thank you for your interest in our NGO. We look forward to collaborating ​with you to make a difference!


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